Monday, February 05, 2007


In our beginning there was darkness. A void. A place of nothing. And the Powers That Be looked upon the darkness and said, “It is good. For in the great expanse of Nothing lie the gifts of hope and imagination. In this darkness shall All That Is find rest and strength for that which is to come. Its name shall be called Night.” And it was so.

Then in the Night of darkness a song was heard. A song of calm and wisdom. A song of comfort. A song of patience. A song that knows the Truth of Faith in the unseen. And it was good.

Then a light flickered in the center of the darkness. A small, beautiful flicker like unto a candle’s flame. The Powers drew in their breath and the flame grew brighter, revealing itself a fire of glory, lighting the hope of the world with life, giving birth to All That Is. The Powers That Be looked upon the light and said, “It is good. For in this warm light lie beginnings of dreams that grow into reality. All That Is shall bloom and burst forth with life and renewal, giving body to that which was only imagined to be. The flowers of this Light breathe a scent of peace and wishes of enlightenment. Its name shall be called Dawn.” And it was so.

The morning birds sang for the Beauty that Is and the fish of the sea and the creatures of the land joined in the song with voices praising the Powers That Be and All That Is. Joy was manifested across the earth. And it was good.

Then the fire of Glory revealed itself the Sun of All That Is. It lightened and warmed the land and the sea with its glory-filled blaze. All That Is stood witness as dreams came to fruition and blessings multiplied tenfold. The Powers That Be looked upon the Sun and said, “It is good. For in this brightness shall all that was hidden from view be illuminated and the dreams of imaginations be fully realized. All That Is shall find neverending joy in the Sun’s manifestations. There shall be much rejoicing in the Growth of all, bringing pleasure to All That Is. It’s name shall be called Day.” And it was so.

Many blessings earlier hidden came clearly into view and were embraced by All That Is. And there was much rejoicing and celebrating and praising the Powers That Be. Gratitude and joy spread through All That Is. And it was good.

Then the flame began to grow smaller, the light to dim. All That Is grew tired and the creatures of the land and the sea and the birds of the air returned to their resting places. The energy of All That Is grew quiet. The Sun exhaled a final breath of flame upon the horizon giving promise to return to All That Is. The Powers That Be looked upon this and said, “It is good. For in this time of quiet, All That Is may rest and reflect upon the lessons and joy of Day and know gratitude. And the promise of the setting Sun shall be fulfilled, bringing to All That Is another Day filled with dreams. The light of the little flame shall not be extinguished, but shall remain a reminder of what Is and what shall Be. It’s name shall be called Dusk.” And it was so.

And darkness returned once again. But within this darkness remained a tiny light, a reminder of the Flame and what is to return again. From Night, to Dawn, to Day, to Dusk, and to Night again. On and on.

And it is good.

copyright 2007 Leisl Bonell